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Inebriart podcast

Apr 25, 2022

Andy and special guest host Hanna talk with Jack Lepiarz, an NPR anchor who performs as Jacques Ze Whipper, about growing up in the circus, being alone in a radio station, and "real" jobs.

Intro music is "String Anticipation" by Cory Gray.

Apr 18, 2022

Actress and producer Naomi McDougall Jones joins Andy to talk about her book "Wrong Kind of Woman: Inside Our Revolution to Dismantle the Gods of Hollywood", dismantling monopolies, and who to blame for the decline of rom-com quality.

Intro music is "String Anticipation" by Cory...

Apr 11, 2022

Musician Ivan Doroschuk of Men Without Hats joins Andy to talk about cyclical musical styles, cover art, and technology leading to the democratization of music.

Intro music is "String Anticipation" by Cory Gray.

Apr 4, 2022

Singer/songwriter Danielle Ryan joins Andy to talk about her upcoming album, musical root beer, and CDs for grandpas.

Intro music is "String Anticipation" by Cory Gray.